Briefly Explain the structure of Quality circle


QC structure

Fig .1. QC Structure

 A quality circle has an appropriate organizational structure for its effective and efficient performance. It varies from industry to industry, organization to organization.

A typical structure of quality circle is depicted in Fig.1.

Elements of Quality Circle
The structure of quality circles consists of the following elements:
  1. Top management
  2. Coordinator
  3. Steering committee
  4. Facilitator
  5. Leader
  6. Members
  7. Non-member

1.Top Management

 Though not directly a part of a formal quality circle structure, top-level management influences the successful implementation of the concept.

A quality council collects information about the program and reports it to the Managing Director. The top management has to convey its policy of quality to its employees and encourage them to form quality circles.

It should extend its support and more importantly make it visible so that even workers in the lowest level know what the top management is doing for them.

It should also be lenient enough to financially support quality circle projects.

2. Coordinator

A senior manager acts as a coordinator. He arranges steering committee meetings and is responsible for proper documentation of various activities.

He organizes training programs whenever needed.

Overall, he is responsible for conducting seminars, presentations, and case studies and publishing periodicals to ascertain that the work of the quality circle is recognized.

3. Steering committee

A steering committee is a group of members working under the chairmanship of the CEO with functional heads as members.

The members of steering committee are responsible for proper implementation of the quality circle in their respective areas. They make the facilitators under them accountable to them. The CEO reviews the reports of the members’ activities and makes suggestions.

 4. Facilitator

A senior person in a specific area acts as a facilitator. He bears the responsibility to catalyze and motivate the quality circles.

He acts as a guide or mentor for effective operation of quality circles.

Further, he also elucidates the functioning of quality circles in his area in steering committee meetings.

5. Leader/Deputy Leader

 The members of the circle chose a leader with due care and consensus. As the leader shapes the circle’s effectiveness, training him is vital.

A good leader should have the ability to motivate members of the team, conduct meetings, and coordinate efforts apart from involving all the members in the quality philosophy. He should strive to avert conflicts and ensure quality-oriented teamwork.

6. Members

Members of a circle should not be forced to join a quality circle, instead they should join of their own interest.

They need to have an understanding of the functioning of quality circles.

They should encourage other employees to participate in the movement, zealously involve themselves in the quality improvement programs, implement solutions and give presentations effectively.

7. Non-members

Non-members are important because they support circle members externally.

Also, if they realize the benefits of forming circles, they will willingly participate in the activities. Hence, non-members are often considered prospective members.

Though quality circles essentially comprise a small group of workers, the involvement of all the employees of an organization at some point is critical. Following a structural hierarchy will ensure a smooth flow of the circle’s activities.

Roles and Responsibilities of Quality Circle Elements
The roles and responsibilities of the various members and committee of a quality circle programme are summarized in Table .2.
Table .2. Roles of members of quality circle structures

1.Roles of Quality Circle Members

  • Attend all possible meetings.
  • Offer views, opinions and ideas freely and voluntarily in problem solving.
  • Participate actively in the group process.
  • Contribute to find solutions to problems.
  • Contribute to implementing solutions.
  • Attend training seriously with a receptive attitude.
  • Assist leader/deputy leader in circle activities.

2. Roles of Quality Circle Leader

  • Conducts meetings regularly.
  • Moderates in meeting.
  • Involves all the members.
  • Keeps the cohesiveness of the group.
  • Makes the necessary facilities for enabling quality circle to perform without constraints.
  • Takes the team towards the goal.
  • Takes care of:
  1.  Task behaviour of the group.
  2. Team maintenance.
  3. Disruptive or negative behaviour to the management.
  • Presents solutions/suggestions to the management.
  • Keeps the circles informed on the status of previously submitted suggestions.
  • Trains the members in various problem solving techniques.

3. Roles of Facilatator

  • Coordinates the work of several quality circles through leaders.
  • Serves as a resource for the circle.
  • Works closely with steering committee.
  • Trains members by assisting leaders whenever required.
  • Arranges management presentations of his circles.
  • Coordinates and monitors all activities.
  • Maintains circle records.
  • Evaluates circle activities.
  • Encourages, pats and functions as a cheer leader.
  • Publicizes the circle activities.

4. Roles of Steering Committee

  • Meets regularly once in two or three months.
  • Takes an overview of the operation of quality circles in the organization as a whole.
  • Takes important decisions at the organizational level:
  • Gives guidelines and directions.
  • Provides resources-space, time, training facilities, finance (if required).
  • Attends management presentations and get-to-gethers.
  • Reviews periodically the progress.
  • Ensures adequate training opportunities to the facilitator(s), leaders, and members.
  • Recognizes the contributions of the facilitator(s), leaders, and members.

5. Roles of Coordinator

  • Registers the circle.
  • Interacts with all.
  • Convenes steering committee meetings.
  • Maintains records, organizes systematic documentation.
  • Arranges management presentation.
  • Organizes various training programmes, including exposure programme.
  • Arranges presentation of case studies in sister units.
  • Publishes periodicals.
  • Organizes six monthly, annual conventions, develops facilities for the programmes.
  • Arranges periodical survey.
  • Helps in deputing people for seminar, convention, outside convention, presentation, etc.
  • Prepares a budget for the functioning of quality circle.
  • Helps in solving problems encountered in the implementation of quality circle.
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