Explain the Different Ways to Recognize People

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Ways to Recognize People

Steve Smith has identified twenty different ways to recognize the employees. His 20 ways are listed in Table 1.

Ways to Recognize People

Table 1. Twenty ways to recognise people
1. Send letters to improve team members when they establish a team, thanking them for their involvement. Send another one at the end of their project or key action, thanking them for their contribution.
2. Develop a ‘behind the scenes’ award specifically for those whose actions are not usually in the lime light, make sure such awards are in the lime light.
3. Create a ‘best ideas of the year’ booklet and include everyone’s picture, name and description of their best ideas.
4. Feature the quality team of the month and put their picture in a prominent place.
5. Honour peers who have helped you by recognising them at your (or their) staff meetings.
6. Let people attend meetings, committees etc., in your place when you are not available.
7. Involve teams with external customers and suppliers, sending them on appropriate visits to solve problems and look for opportunities.
8. Invite a team for coffee or lunch at any time, not necessarily when you need them for something.
9. Create a visibility wall to display information, posters, pictures, thanking individual employees and their teams, and describing their contributions.
10. When you are discussing an individual’s or group’s ideas with other people, peers, or higher management, make sure that you give them credit.
11. Mention someone’s outstanding work or ideas during your own meetings and at meetings with your peers and management.
12. Take interest in employees’ development and set up appropriate training and experience to build on their initiatives.
13. Get your teams’ pictures in the company newspaper newsletter.
14. Write a ‘letter’ to praise’ to people to recognise their specific contributions and accomplishments, send a copy to your boss.
15. Ask people to help you with a project you consider to be especially difficult but which provides real challenge.
16. Send a team to special seminars, workshops or meetings, outside that cover topics they are especially interested in.
17. Ask your boss to send a letter of acknowledgement and thanks to individuals or groups that are making significant contributions.
18. Honour outstanding contributors with awards which are formally presented and publicised.
19. Have a stock of small gifts to give to people on the spot whom you ‘catch doing things right’.
20. Promote or nominate for promotion, those people who contribute most to improvement over a period of time.
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