Features of Organizational Behavior

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It is all about studying the behaviors of people in an organization.

People behave differently as individual and as a group. When the management meets a person or an employee, as an individual he or she will behave in a manner favourable or unfavourable to the objectives warranted. Whereas if the person is called along with two or more together he or she may tend to behave differently as a group strength when compared to the individual presence.

It is a known fact that the groups have synergy and synthesis when compared to the level of energy and mentality of an individual.

Knowledge about these behaviors would be of great use to resolve issues and problems related to the people in an organization.

People tend to behave differently when their knowledge and skills are enriched. A well trained and competent person produce effective results in the process of organizational development and a better earning person in the organization will try to behave differently when compared to less earning persons. Therefore it is essential to study the needs of the people in accordance to the objective of the organization to strengthen the process of organizational developments.

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