Gender Sensitivity at Work Place

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Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society consider appropriate for men and women. Gender or sex discrimination specifically refers to treating men and women differently because of their gender and no other reasons.

Gender diversity in the work place is the equal treatment and acceptance of both males and females in an organization. Diversity adds value to a company bottom line due to the different viewpoints and background of diverse individuals. Gender diversity means the proportions of males to females in the work place.

Gender diversity is when a company is represented by a more equal proportion of men and women. More companies are realizing the value of having a diverse work force. Gender diversity in the work place is a tendency to have an equal, or at least close to equal, number of employees of both genders.

Developing gender sensitivity at work place

Gender Sensitivity at Work Place

  1. Committee for handling gender complaints- To deter and prevent sexual harassment/ discrimination to provide a safe and secure work place for women through gender complaints committee
  2.  Relaxation of working hours for women- Extending work related concessions and relaxations for women staff depending upon the situations and requirements. example providing secure transport facilities when they work late hours
  3. Hostile Work Environment- Over all, appropriate work conditions should be provided in respect of work, leisure, health and hygiene
  4. Ensuring Women Participation- Increasing women access, control and ownership over the natural resources, processes and organization
  5. Gender Development Programmes- Informing them about their rights, the laws of the land, and ensuring capacity building through training to inculcate leadership qualities

Ways to build a Gender balanced organization

  1. Define Diversity- Once the need for diversity is laid out, a plan for creating, implementing and monitoring the new diversity strategy should be developed
  2. Ensure Alignment- It is important to ensure alignment between business requirements and talents need across the organization
  3. Put the Plan in to Action- The strategic goals developed in the first two steps should be translated in to specific actions.
    Example- hiring, training and skill development
  4. Maintain a Culture of Diversity-Employees can be rewarded for mentoring, inviting dissenting opinions, taking calculated risks and creating ways for people to collaborate

Benefits of Gender Diversity at work place

  1. Equality at Work- Men and women are also similar in their desire for workplace flexibility, demonstrating that balancing work and personal responsibilities
  2. Satisfaction at Work Place- The majority of both women and men report comfort with their choices. In terms of work satisfaction
  3. Dignity at Work Place- Create a good work environment
  4. Motivation- It is an integral part of business strategy by corporate helping employees to sustain work pressure.
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