List the Ishikawa’s ten conditions for selection and evaluation of supplier


Conditions for Selection and Evaluation of Suppliers

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa has suggested ten conditions for selection and evaluation of suppliers. His ten conditions are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Ishikawa’s ten conditions for selection and evaluation of suppliers
1. The supplier should understand and appreciate the management philosophy of the organization.
2. The supplier should have a stable management system.
3. The supplier should maintain high technical standards and have the capability of dealing with future technological innovations.
4. The supplier should provide those raw materials and parts required by the purchaser and those supplied meet the quality specifications.
5. The supplier should have the capability to produce the amount of production needed.
6. The supplier should not breach the corporate secrets.
7. The supplier should be easily accessible in terms of transportation and communication.
8. The supplier should be sincere in implementing the contract provisions.
9. The supplier should have an effective quality system and improvement program such as ISO/QS 9000.
10. The supplier should have a track record of customer satisfaction and organization credibility.


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