Definition of Power
In simple terms power is one’s ability to influence other people.
Power refers to a capacity that, A has to influence the behaviour of B so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes. It implies a potential that need not be actualized to be effective, and a dependency relationship.
According to Homan, “Power is an exchange between an agent and a target. The agent is the person who uses the power, and target is the receipt of the attempt to use power”.
According to Stephen P. Robbins: “power is defined as the ability to influence and control anything that is of value of others”.
Explain the Nature of Power
Power can be potential.
Power represents the capacity, ability to influence the behavior of other people.
Power is neither completely formal nor informal.
Appearing to be powerful is just as important as being powerful.
Leaders exercise power to accomplish goals.
List out the Sources of Power

What are the Classifications of Power / Sources / Base Formal Power
a. Reward Power
It is based on a person’s ability to control resources and reward others. (Wealth is Power.)
b. Coercive Power
This source of power depends on fear: – Coercive power has the ability to inflict punishment (or) aversive consequences on another person.
i) Punishment
ii) Considerable outcomes
c. Legitimate Power
This power source, identified by French and Raven, stems from the internalized values of the other persons that give the legitimate right to the agent to influence them.
- Prevailing cultural values of a society, organisation or group.
- People can obtain legitimate power from the accepted social structure
- Legitimate power can come from being designated as the agent or representative of a powerful person or group.
d. Referent Power: (Interpersonal Attractions)
e. Expert Power: (Proverb “Knowledge is Power”)
Authority is the right to influence another person. In other words, authority is a legitimate right to influence others.
Distinction Between Power And Authority
1. Power is ability to influence people 2.While power is not 3. Power itself need not be legitimate |
1. Authority is right to influence others 2. Authority is legitimate 3. Authority confers legitimacy |
Brief the Importance of Power
- Necessary to coordinated activities: for the eff
- Active performance of activities of people.
- Basis for authority, influence and responsibility
Authority is the right to influence another person. In other words, authority is a legitimate right to influence others.
Influence is the process of affecting the thoughts, behaviour, and feelings of another person.
Acquisition of Power
- They do extraordinary things: Doing things in a routine manner does not contribute much too personal power. In organizational context, negotiating a new contract, developing a new product, or formulating a new programme are the examples of extraordinary activities that contribute to power.
- They do the right things: Doing right and relevant activities does also increase ones power.
- They do the visible activities: Activities need to be visible or known to others. Instead of individuals ‘blowing their own trumpets’ their activities announced and appreciated by the people of higher echelons bring more power to the people
- They cultivate right people: Developing their interpersonal relationship with their superiors, subordinates, and peers.
- They form coalitions: The philosophy behind joining together is gaining increased capability to influence others. Example Labour Union
- They co-optation: In addition to coalescing, individuals can increase their personal power by co-opting people or groups whose support is needed in to position of limited influence.
- Control over information and communication channels
Symbols of Power and Symptoms of Powerlessness
According to Kanter Symbols of Power
- Ability to intercede for someone in trouble- who can pull someone out of a jam has power.
- Ability to get placement for favoured employees- getting and arranging a key promotion for an employee.
- Exceeding budget limits- Beyond and above budgets limits without being reprimanded.
- Procuring above average raises for employees- Manager who can pull incentives for above-average employees.
- Access to early information- before anyone else is an indication or signal.
- Getting items done on own terms at meetings. Symptoms of Powerlessness or Lack of Powerlessness
- Overly close supervision
- Inflexible adherence to rules
- A tendency to do the jobs themselves rather than educating and training their subordinates to do these.
Power Centres
Power Centre is a person who is in close vicinity of higher management and whom management trusts and takes feedback from. It is very important to understand the actual people who are powerful in the company. These people may not be on very important designation but may be the source of information to the boss.
These people may not be necessarily being the part of your department. They must be other department heads, relatives or friends of the boss. You must not be astonished that this list may consists of the people like driver of your boss, the head guard of the company, if it is a small company or medium size company. It is very likely that these people are open to higher power centre’s and may give a favorable opinion about you are whenever your reference comes or whenever your boss asks an opinion about you
How to Use Power Centres?
You should use to advertise your achievements and your plan to these people in a very discrete manner, which does not disclose the full plans but gives only hints. Discuss what you are doing and what you will do in future with these people.
Pass on the negative information about your competitors to these people and thus defame your competitors. Tell them how others are giving loss to the company.
Things to be remember while talking with these people
- Identify and select more than one power centre- After careful observation in a month or two, you must identify and ear mark more than one power centre. It is beneficial if the information is passed on to boss from various sources. It increased the reliability of the information and you will be taken as a really worthy man.
- Selectively disclose the things- Although power centres are good source of disclosing information, these people look-out more for negative information rather than positive information as their main job is to report to boss about the problem in the company
- Make them feel important-Always make these people feel important by praising them once a while. Try to wish them on regular basis and often while in public.
- Never criticize the company or your boss- As they have direct connection with the boss, never do mistake of criticizing the boss. Always praise the efforts of the boss, even if they them self are criticizing him. Not only boss, but one should not criticize the company and its policies.
- Power centre’s are like the power boosters in the organization Deeper relations with these people will result in faster growth, so you should even spend some money on these power centres.
What is Power Tactics?
They ways in which people/employees translate power bases into desired actions are called ‘power tactics’.
- Rational Persuasion- Using logical arguments and facts to persuade another that a desired result will occur.
- Inspirational Appeal- Arousing enthusiasm by appealing to ones values and ideals.
- Consultation- Asking for participation in decision making of planning a change.
- Ingratiation- Getting someone to do what you want by putting her in a good mood or getting her to like you.
- Exchange- Promising some benefits in exchange for complying with a request.
- Personal appeal- Appealing to feeling of loyalty and friendship before making a request.
- Coalition-Persuading by seeking the assistance of others.
- Legitimating- Pointing out ones authority to make a request, or verifying that it is consistent with prevailing organizational policies and practices.
- Pressure- Seeking compliances by using demands, threats, of intimations.
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