Comparision Chart for Dia, Para and Ferro-Magnetic Materials

S.No Diamagnetic Material Paramagnetic Material Ferromagnetic Material
1. It is a material in which there is no permanent dipole moment (or) magnetic moment in each atom. The external magnetic field decrease the magnetic induction present in the specimen. It is material in which there is permanent dipole moment in each atom. External magnetic field increases the magnetic induction present in the specimen. It is material in which there is enormous permanent dipole moment or magnetic moment in each atom. External magnetic field increases very large magnetic induction present in the specimen.
2. H2, Bismuth, Gold, Germanium, etc. Al, Pt CuSO4, Chromium, etc. Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Steel, etc.
3. Independent of temperature. It is inversely proportional to absolute temperature. It depend on temperature in a complex manner.
4. Permeability is Very less (μr < 1) Permeability is High (μr > 1) Permeability is Very high (μr»1)
5. No spin (or) Magnetic moment. All spins or magnetic moments are randomly oriented. All spins or magnetic moment are orderly oriented.
6. When the external magnetic field is applied, the electrons will align perpendicular to the field direction and hence it reduced the magnetic induction present in the material. Thus they are name as weak magnets. When the external magnetic field is applied, the electrons will align parallel to the field direction and hence the material is magnetized. Thus they are named strong magnets. When the external magnetic field is applied, the electrons which are already aligned parallel will reorient itself along the field direction and will be very easily magnetized. Thus they are named as very strong magnets.
7. The magnetic lines of force are repelled away form the material and hence Bout > Bin The magnetic line of force are highly attracted towards the centre of material and hence Bin > Bout. The magnetic line of force highly attracted towards the centre of material and hence Bin » Bout.
8. When the temperature is greater than the critical temperature, the diamagnetism, suddenly disappears and becomes a normal material. When the temperature is greater then its curie temperature, it is converted in to a diamagnetic substance When the temperature is greater than its curie temperature it is converted into paramagnetic.
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Santhakumar Raja

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