Hello friends, The time for the CBSE Board Exams 2025 has arrived and we all know that this is a very important stage in every student’s life. How hard you work is important, but one more thing that has a profound impact on your marks is the way you write your answers. With the right answer presentation, you can make a big difference in your marks. So today we are going to tell you some great answer writing tips, which will make your copy attractive in the eyes of the examiner and help you score 90+!
The right way to write answers
1. Use the first 15 minutes properly
In CBSE board exams, you get 15 minutes to read the question paper. Do not take this time lightly! Consider it as a free bonus time, which can make your entire exam easier. During this time you should:
Read the questions carefully.
- First, decide the questions that you know best.
- You should decide in which order to write the answers.
- This strategy will give you confidence and save you time.
2. Structure your answer correctly
The more organized your answers are, the easier it will be for the examiner to check them. Remember, a neat copy always fetches more marks! Write your answer like this:
- Introduction: Give a brief introduction of the question in the first two or three lines.
- Body: Explain your answer in detail, and use examples if needed.
- Finally, summarize the answer and clarify the main point again.
- If your answer is organized and clear, the examiner will enjoy reading it and you are sure to get good marks!
3. The right way to write math and science answers
If you want to score well in subjects like math and science, then definitely follow these things:
- Write all the formulas.
- Show every step in the answer, so that the examiner understands your thinking process.
- In science, make sure to draw diagrams wherever necessary and label them well.
- Clear solutions and precise answers will fetch you good marks!
4. Highlight important points
Did you know? When examiners check your answer sheet, they have to check many copies in a very short time. In such a situation, if the important things in your answer are highlighted, then they are quickly seen and you can get more marks! For this:
- Underline important words.
- Write definitions or key points in bold or capital (where allowed).
- Use keywords correctly in literature, history or political science.
- Just be careful not to do too much highlighting, otherwise the copy will look cluttered.
5. Manage time properly
“Time is money”—this is not just a saying, but also the biggest mantra for success in the exam! Proper time management will save you from panic during the exam and will give you a chance to solve the entire paper comfortably.
- Allow time for each question according to its marks.
- If a question is taking too much time, skip it and come back later.
- Be sure to re-read the answer and correct mistakes 10-15 minutes before the end of the exam.
- If you have already solved a few mock tests, you will not have much trouble with time management.
6. Use technical terminology and correct language
It is very important to use precise and technical language in the exam. Use the correct words according to the subject instead of general language:
- Use scientific terms in science.
- Mention dates and events clearly in history and political science.
- Use the correct terminology (such as demand, SWOT analysis, and opportunity cost) in economics and business studies.
This will make the examiner feel that you have a deep understanding of the subject and you will get good marks!
Exam success mantra
Friends, scoring 90+ in board exams is not difficult you just have to adopt the right strategy! Practice regularly, maintain confidence, and stay calm during the exam. Remember, success comes only to those who believe in themselves!
Disclaimer: This article is written for educational guidance purposes only. Follow the rules of every board during the exam and avoid unfair means. Hard work is the key to success! Best of luck.
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