Concept of Discipline in HRM

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Negative Aspect – This aspect uses “fear” as a force to enforce discipline in the organization. If any employee or worker defies the rules and regulation strict punishment is levied on them. This is categorized as traditional concept of discipline.

Positive Discipline – Now a days the management of various organizations have adopted positive progressive outlook for disciplining the employees. With the ever increasing awareness among the workers concerning their rights and responsibility, it was required on the part of management to reconsider the negative approach of fear used by them so far.

Thus management emphasized on the concept of self – discipline. This approach of self control asserts on cooperative efforts of employees to abide by the rules of the organization. Thus positive aspect of discipline plays a much greater role in safeguarding industrial peace and prosperity.

Main Characteristics of Discipline

The main characteristics of Discipline can be summed up as follows :-

  1. To guarantee successful fulfilment of organizational goals it motivates workers to abide by the instructions issued by the management or superiors.
  2. It is a negative approach in the sense that it discourages employees in under taking some activities while encouraging to undertake the few others.
  3. On Violation or disobedience of organization rules it imposes fine or reprimand, therefore, it is also called as punitive or big stick approach.

Aims & Objectives of Discipline

The aims and objectives of discipline are as follows:-

  1. For the achievement of organizational goals it tries to earn the willing approval of employees.
  2. To introduce the component of uniformity and assurance despite the numerous difference despite the numerous differences in informal behaviour patterns in the organization.
  3. For improving the quality of production by enhancing the morale and working efficiency of the employees.
  4. To generate respect for human relations in the organization.
  5. To confer and seek direction and responsibility.

Importance of Discipline in Industry

Discipline acts as a cornerstone for the smooth functioning of any enterprise. Absence of discipline in any industry can create a great amount of commotion and confusion thereby decreasing its productivity. For any enterprise however big or small manpower is the most pivotal resource and thereby all efforts should be made to discipline them.

All steps should be taken to encourage mutual trust and confidence between the workers and the management which is indispensable to bring about needed discipline at the workplace.

Maintenance of discipline is a precondition for attaining the aims and purposes of the organization swiftly. Disciplined employers will assist in creation of pleasant industrial environment which will be beneficial for the industry and the nation both.

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