De-Broglie’s Concept of Matter

Universe is made up of radiation (light) and matter (particles). Light has a dual nature i.e., it possess both particle nature and wave nature. No single phenomena exhibit both particle nature and wave nature simultaneously. Moving particle is always associated with a wave. The wave associated with a particle is termed as matter waves.

In 1924, French Physicist de-Broglie justified this concept with following points:

i. Nature loves symmetry. If radiation (light) can act like ware at sometime and like a particle at the other time, then matter(particles) (e.g… electron, neutron, etc., ) should also act as wave at some time and particles at some other times.

ii. Our universe is fully composed of light and matter.

iii. Every moving particle is always associated with a wave. The particle is controlled by this wave.

 de-Broglie wavelength

De Broglie proposed that a wave is always associated with every moving particles (like electron) and its corresponding wavelength (called de broglie wavelength) is given by de-Broglie wave equation \text { de-Broglie wave equation } \lambda=\frac{\mathrm{h}}{\mathrm{m} \nu}  This wave which is associated with a moving particle is known as matter wave. The wavelength of matter wave is called de Broglie wavelength.

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Nandhini Sathish

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