Difference Between Spontaneous Emission and Stimulated Emission

S. No Spontaneous Emission Stimulated Emission
1 When an atom in an excited state Ejumps to lower energy state Eemitting a photon, without any external influence. Then this transition is called spontaneous emission. When an atom in an excited state Ejumps to lower energy state Eemitting a photon, it emits an additional photon of same frequency of incident photon. This transition is known as stimulated emission.
2 The emitted photon can move in any random direction. The emitted photon travels in the same direction in which the incident photon is moving.
3 Emission of photons takes place without energy. Emission of photons takes place with energy.
4 The radiation given out by such a source will be incoherent. The radiation given out by such a source will be highly intense, monochromatic and coherent.
5 Polychromatic radiation.(having many wavelength). Monochromatic radiation.( having a single wavelength )
6 Low intense High intense
7 Less directionality and having more angular spread during propagation. High directionality and less angular spread during propagation.
8 Example: Light from sodium or mercury  vapour lamp. Example: Light from laser source.
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Nandhini Sathish

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