When an atom in an excited state E2 jumps to lower energy state E1 emitting a photon, without any external influence. Then this transition is called spontaneous emission.
When an atom in an excited state E2 jumps to lower energy state E1 emitting a photon, it emits an additional photon of same frequency of incident photon. This transition is known as stimulated emission.
The emitted photon can move in any random direction.
The emitted photon travels in the same direction in which the incident photon is moving.
Emission of photons takes place without energy.
Emission of photons takes place with energy.
The radiation given out by such a source will be incoherent.
The radiation given out by such a source will be highly intense, monochromatic and coherent.
Polychromatic radiation.(having many wavelength).
Monochromatic radiation.( having a single wavelength )
Low intense
High intense
Less directionality and having more angular spread during propagation.
High directionality and less angular spread during propagation.
Example: Light from sodium or mercury vapour lamp.