Elemental and Compound Semiconductors


Based on the composition of elements they are classified into two types.

They are

S.No. Elemental semiconductors Compound semiconductors
1. These are made from single element These are made from compound (mixed elements)
2. These are made from IV group elements of periodic table These are made from III and V [or] II and VI group elements of periodic table.
3. These are called as indirect band gap semiconductor (electron-hole recombination takes place through traps) These are called as direct band gap semiconductor (electron-hole recombination takes place directly)
4. Heat is produced during recombination Photons are emitted during recombination
5. Life time of charge carriers in more due to indirect Life time of charge carriers is less due to direct recombination.
6. Current amplification is more Current amplification is less.
7. These are used for making diodes, transistor, etc. Ex: Ge. Si These are used for making LED. laser diodes, etc. EX: GaA, GaP
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Santhakumar Raja

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