Enumerate the various characteristics of Quality circles

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Some of the important characteristics of quality circle are as follows:

(i) The optimum number of employees in any quality circle is between 6 to 10.

(ii) The quality circle should have a homogeneous group where participation members must be from within the same department or work area.

(iii) The participation of quality circle members should be voluntary. No compulsion or pressure is to be brought on employees to join or not to join the quality circle.

(iv) The members of quality circle should meet regularly once in a week for an hour after their working hours or during working hours to discuss the problems related to their work and find solutions to the solutions.

(v) The members of the quality circle should themselves identify the problems through various techniques such as brainstorming, cause-effect diagram, pareto analysis, histograms, etc.

(vi) Quality circles address two types of problems:

    1. those concerned with the personal well-being of the worker (such as working conditions, safety, work relations, housekeeping, etc.).
    2. those concerned with the well-being of the company (such as quality and productivity related problems).

(vii) The members of quality circle should be trained in statistical and other problem-solving tools so that they can identify, analyze and resolve work related problems.

(viii) Training and quality control activities must be carried out on                company time.

(ix) Final recommendations of the quality circle must be acceptable to management before they are made effective.

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