Glass – Questions and Answers

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1. What is glass ?

Ans: Glass may also defined as a hard, brittle, transparent material chiefly compound of silica, combined with varying proportions of orders of Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesia, iron and other minerals.

2. How the ordinary glass is represented?

Ans: The ordinary glass may be represented as


Glass - Questions and Answers

3. List four properties of glasses?


  1. It absorbs, refracts or transmits light.
  2. It has no definite crystalline structure.
  3. It has no sharp melting point.
  4. It is affected by alkalies.

4. What are the various constituents of glasses?

     1. Silica:
  1. Sodium or potassium carbonate :
  2. Lime :

5. What are the steps in the manufacture of glass?


(1) Collection of raw materials
(2) Preparation of batch
(3) Melting in furnace
(4) Shaping or forming
(5) Annealing
(6) Finishing

6. What are cullets?

Ans: The cullet indicated waste glass or pieces of broken glass.

7. What is annealing?

Ans: The process of slow cooling is known as annealing.

8. What are the types of glasses

Ans: The following types of glasses are

(1) Soda- lime glass (2) Potash-lime glass (3) Potash lead glass
(4) Borosilicate glass (5) Common glass (6) Silica glass
(7) Safety glass (8) Optical glass (9) Bullet proof glass
(10) Glass wool

9. What is soda lime glass and its uses?

Ans: It is mixture of Silica (sand), calcium carbonate and soda ash. Composition Na2O.CaO.6SiO2

Uses : They are widely used as window glasses, electric bulbs, bottles, jars, etc.

10. What is potash lime glass and its uses?

Ans: It is mixture of Silica (sand), calcium carbonate, and potassium carbonate. Composition K2O⋅CaO.6SiO2.

Uses : They are used for manufacturing chemical apparatus, combustion tubes, etc., which are to be used for heating operations.

11. What is potash lead glass and its uses?

Ans: It is mixture of Lead oxide, potassium oxide and silica.

Composition K2O. PbO. 6SiO2 .

Uses : Lead glasses are used widely for optical purposes (like lenses, etc.)   cathode -ray tube and electrical insulators.

12. What is borosilicate glass and its uses?

Ans: It is mixture of Silica and boron, with a small amount of alumina and some alkali oxides,

Composition SiO2 (80.5%) B2O3 (13%) Al2O3 (3%) K2O (3%) Na2O(0.5%)

Uses : This glass is widely used in the chemical industry, for laboratory apparatus.

It is used to make protective helmets, boats, piping, car exhausts.

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