Important Applications of Wind Energy


Energy generated from the force of the wind is called wind energy.

Wind is a form of fast moving air. The wind has a lot of energy because of its high speed.

Important applications of wind energy

Wind mill: It is a simple machine which works with the energy of flowing wind.

Now-a-days, wind mill is used to generate electricity. The windmill converts wind energy into electricity.

It consists of large blades, mounted on the shaft on vertical poles. The shaft is connected to a crank, which is connected to a dynamo or generator. When wind strikes against the blades, then these start rotating. The rotating blades turn the coil of generator, thereby generate electricity.

Wind Mill

The wind mill is also used to lift underground water. The windmill converts wind energy into mechanical energy.

It consists of large blades, mounted on the shaft on vertical poles. The shaft is connected to a crank, whose free end is U-shaped, which is further connected to a water pump. When wind strikes against the blades, then these start rotating. The rotating blades rotate the U-shaped bend up and down, thereby the pumps works and lift water from the ground or flooded mines.

Wind energy farms: To increase the amount of electricity, a large number of wind mills installed side by side (or clusters) over a large area is known as wind energy farms.

To generate electricity on commercial purposes these wind farms are coupled together and used.

Wind Farm

Advantages of wind energy

  1. Wind energy is an ideal renewable energy.
  2. It is pollution-free.
  3. It is cheap and economical.
  4. It does not require fuel.
  5. It does not produce toxic or radio-active waste.
  6. It does not produce significant hazard to other wildlife.
  7. It does not create green house gases.
  8. Air, the source of wind energy, is an inexhaustible source.

Disadvantages of wind energy

  1. The direction of wind is not predictable.
  2. Winds do not blow all the time, so backup systems and storage are needed.
  3. It produce unwanted sounds.
  4. Storage technology seems to be one of the major drawbacks of the wind energy.
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Santhakumar Raja

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