A PostgreSQL cheat sheet is a quick reference guide that provides a summary of commonly used commands and operations in PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source relational database management system. It typically includes essential SQL commands, psql (PostgreSQL command-line tool) commands, and other useful information for database administrators and developers working with PostgreSQL.
SELECT col1, col2
FROM table
JOIN table2 ON table1.col = table2.col
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING condition
SELECT Keywords
DISTINCT: Removes duplicate results |
SELECT DISTINCT product_name |
BETWEEN: Matches a value between two other values (inclusive) |
SELECT product_name |
IN: Matches to any of the values in a list |
SELECT product_name FROM product WHERE category IN ('Electronics', 'Furniture'); |
LIKE: Performs wildcard matches using _ or % |
SELECT product_name |
SELECT t1.*, t2.*
join_type t2 ON t1.col = t2.col;
INNER JOIN: show all matching records in both tables. |
![]() |
LEFT JOIN: show all records from left table, and any matching records from right table. | ![]() |
RIGHT JOIN: show all records from right table, and any matching records from left table. |
![]() |
FULL JOIN: show all records from both tables, whether there is a match or not. |
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CASE Statement
Simple Case
CASE name
WHEN 'John' THEN 'Name John'
WHEN 'Steve' THEN 'Name Steve'
ELSE 'Unknown'
Searched Case
WHEN name='John' THEN 'Name John'
WHEN name='Steve' THEN 'Name Steve'
ELSE 'Unknown'
Common Table Expression
WITH queryname AS (
SELECT col1, col2
FROM firsttable)
SELECT col1, col2..
FROM queryname...;
Modifying Data
Insert | INSERT INTO tablename |
Insert from a Table |
INSERT INTO tablename |
Insert Multiple Rows |
INSERT INTO tablename |
Update | UPDATE tablename |
Update with a Join |
Delete | DELETE FROM tablename |
Create Index | CREATE INDEX indexname |
Drop Index | DROP INDEX indexname; |
Set Operators
UNION: Shows unique rows from two result sets. |
![]() |
UNION ALL: Shows all rows from two result sets. |
![]() |
INTERSECT: Shows rows that exist in both result sets. |
![]() |
EXCEPT: Shows rows that exist in the first result set but not the second. |
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Aggregate Functions
SUM: Finds a total of the numbers provided
COUNT: Finds the number of records
AVG: Finds the average of the numbers provided
MIN: Finds the lowest of the numbers provided
MAX: Finds the highest of the numbers provided
Common Functions
- LENGTH(string): Returns the length of the provided string
- POSITION(string IN substring): Returns the position of the
substring within the specified string. - CAST(expression AS datatype): Converts an expression into the
specified data type. - NOW: Returns the current date, including time.
- CEIL(input_val): Returns the smallest integer greater than the
provided number. - FLOOR(input_val): Returns the largest integer less than the
provided number. - ROUND(input_val, [round_to]): Rounds a number to a specified
number of decimal places. - TRUNC(input_value, num_decimals): Truncates a number to a
number of decimals. - REPLACE(whole_string, string_to_replace, replacement_string):
Replaces one string inside the whole string with another string. - SUBSTRING(string, [start_pos], [length]): Returns part of a value,
based on a position and length.
Create Table
Create Table | CREATE TABLE tablename ( |
Create Table with Constraints
CREATE TABLE tablename (
column_name data_type NOT NULL,
REFERENCES other_table(col_in_other_table),
CONSTRAINT ckname CHECK (conditions)
Create Temporary Table |
CREATE TEMP TABLE tablename ( |
Drop Table | DROP TABLE tablename; |
Alter Table
Add Column | ALTER TABLE tablename ADD COLUMN |
Drop Column | ALTER TABLE tablename DROP COLUMN |
Modify Column | ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN |
Rename Column | ALTER TABLE tablename RENAME COLUMN |
Add Constraint | ALTER TABLE tablename ADD CONSTRAINT |
Drop Constraint | ALTER TABLE tablename DROP |
Rename Table | ALTER TABLE tablename |
Window/Analytic Functions
function_name ( arguments ) OVER (
[ORDER BY order_by_clause
[windowing_clause] ] )
Example using RANK, showing the student details and their rank according to the fees_paid, grouped by gender:
student_id, first_name, last_name, gender, fees_paid,
PARTITION BY gender ORDER BY fees_paid
) AS rank_val
FROM student;
Single Row | SELECT id, last_name, salary |
Multi Row | SELECT id, last_name, salary |
Read More Topics |
Oracle SQL cheat sheet |
MySQL cheat sheet |
SQL server cheat sheet |