Role of Senior Management (Role of TQM Leaders)

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In practice, the TQM effort has been led by members of senior management. They provide the vision of where the company is heading with its quality effort. They lead in creating a cultural change within the company.

Role of Senior Management

The responsibilities of senior management are:

  1. To study and investigate the TQM concepts and issues.
  2. To set clear quality policies and provide challenging tasks.
  3. To establish ‘priority of quality’ and ‘customer satisfaction’ as the basic policy and determine the long term goals.
  4. To bring a cultural charge required for the TQM effort.
  5. To establish the TQM vision for the future and communicate to all involved.
  6. To become coaches and cheer leaders for encouraging and supporting the managers during the transition phase of the transformation change.
  7. To stimulate employees to be involved.
  8. To teach employees to realise that the company’s interest and their interest are geared into one another.
  9. To uphold norms and values, and let it be known.
  10. To attend TQM training programmes.
  11. To create coordination and harmony among and within departments.
  12. To monitor whether quality improvement programs are conducted as planned.
  13. To create a basic of trust, respect and open communication, which ensures individual participation and continuous improvement.
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