Each type of resin is taken in a separate tank.

The hard water is first passed through a tank containing the cation-exchange resin. Cations like Ca2+,Mg2+ and Na2+ present in water are exchanged by the cation-exchange resin for its H+ ions.

2RCOOH + Ca2+  →  (RCOO)2 Ca + 2H+

2RCOOH + Mg2+ →  (RCOO)2 Mg + 2H+

Deminaralisation of Water

Fig 1.1 Demineralisation of  Water

The water containing H+ ions passes through the second tank which contains the anion-exchange resin.

The anions like Cl,SO42- and HCO3 present in water are exchanged by the anion-exchange resin for its OH ions.

      (RNH2)OH + Cl → (RNH2)Cl + OH

2(RNH3)OH + SO4– →  (RNH3)2SO+ 2OH

OH ions released in the anion-exchange tank combine with the H+ ions which are already present in water to form unionised water molecules.