Write note on Compressed Natural Gas

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CNG (Compriessed Natural Gas)

  • Compressed Natural Gas CNG is a special form of natural gas. CNG is a substitute for petrol (or) Diesel fuel.
  • Since it is comparatively much less polluting fuel.
  • During its combustion, no sulphur and nitrogen gases are evolved, and carbon particles are also not ejected. Hence, it is a better fuel than petrol and diesel for automobiles.
  • The composition of CNG is methane = 88%, ethane = 5.5% , propane = 3.7% , butane = 1.8%  and pentane = 0.5%
  • CNG is a natural gas compressed to a high pressure of about 1,000 atm .
  • A steel cylinder containing 15°kg of CNG contains about 2 x 104° 1  of natural gas at 1°atm pressure.

Uses of CNG

(i) It can be used for power generation.
(ii) It can be used for producing hydrogen.
(iii) It can be used in vehicles as a fuel.
(iv) It can be utilised in domestic purposes and fertilizers.

Advantages of using  as a fuel in automobiles

  1. CNG is a much safer fuel, since it ignites at a higher temperature than petrol and diesel.
  2. The conversion of petrol operated automobiles into CNG operated vehicle is very easy.
  3. CNG mixes better with air than liquid fuels.
  4. Emission from CNG operated vehicles contain no harmful pollutants like SO2, SO3, C6 H6 , smoke, formaldehyde, etc.
  5. The operating cost of CNG fuel is low.
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