Hello friends, If you have applied for the RRB Group D 2025 exam, then this news is very important for you. Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has fixed the last date for paying the application fee for this exam as 3 March 2025. If you have not paid the fee yet, then hurry up, so that your application can be valid and you can appear in the exam.
Application correction opportunity
from 4 March to 13 March Many times, small mistakes are made while filling out the application in a hurry, but there is no need to worry. RRB is providing an application correction facility from 4 March to 13 March 2025. During this time candidates can make necessary changes in their form. For this, you have to visit the official website of Railways indianrailways.gov.in and log into the RRB portal of your state.
Bumper recruitment
This year a total of 32,438 posts will be recruited under the RRB Group D 2025 exam. If you are dreaming of getting a job in the railways, then this can be a golden opportunity. Many important posts are included in this recruitment, such as –
- Assistant Bridge
- Assistant Carriage and Wagon (C&W)
- Assistant Depot (Stores)
- Assistant Loco Shed (Diesel)
- Track Maintainer
- Cabin Man, Pointsman and other posts.
So, if you want to make a career in railways, then RRB Group D 2025 is a great opportunity for you.
How will the exam be conducted?
To get success in the RRB Group D exam, candidates will have to appear in the written test i.e. Computer Based Test (CBT). There will be 100 questions in this exam and 90 minutes will be given for it. Keep in mind, there will also be negative marking – that is, 1/3 of marks will be deducted for every wrong answer. Topics asked in the exam:
- Mathematics
- General Intelligence and Reasoning
- General Science
- General Awareness and Current Affairs
- Candidates who will be successful in the CBT will be called for the next stage of the selection process.
Information related to admit card and exam centre
To appear in the exam, candidates have to download the admit card, which will be available on the official website a week before the exam. The exam centre will be given based on the choice of the candidate, but once the centre is allotted, it cannot be changed. Candidates will be required to carry their admit card and valid identity card to appear in the exam.
RRB Group D 2025 exam is a great opportunity for lakhs of youth to get a government job. If you have applied, then deposit the application fee as soon as possible and start preparing for the exam. If there is any mistake in the application, then correct it between March 4 and March 13.
Disclaimer: This information is just for information. We advise you to visit the official website of Indian Railways indianrailways.gov.in for any official updates.
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