Hello friends, If you are going to appear for JEE Main 2025 Session 2 exam, then this news is very important for you. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has fixed the dates of this exam, which will be held from April 1 to April 8, 2025. Now all the students are eagerly waiting for their admit card and exam city information (exam city intimation slip). Let us know when and how these important documents will be available.
When will the exam city intimation slip be released?
The exam city information is released first so that students can know in advance in which city their exam will be held and they can plan their journey. This slip is likely to be released in the second week of March. However, keep in mind that it only gives information about the city of the exam center, it is not necessary to carry it for admission to the exam.
When will JEE Main 2025 Admit Card be available?
The admit card will be released just three days before the exam, i.e. around March 28, 2025. This document will be mandatory for admission to the exam, so download it on time and keep a print copy of it with you.
Importance of JEE Main 2025
This exam is conducted for admission to prestigious engineering colleges of India such as NITs, IIITs and other government and private institutions. Apart from this, qualifying JEE Main is necessary to appear in the JEE Advanced exam required for admission to IITs.
How to download the admit card?
When the admit card is released, it can be downloaded from the official website jeemain.nta.nic.in. You will have to enter your application number and date of birth to login. Once logged in, you can view the admit card, confirm your information and download it. Now that the exam is approaching, all the students are advised to focus on their studies and keep an eye on the official website for updates related to the exam. Download the admit card and exam city information on time to avoid any hassle.
Disclaimer: This article is written for the purpose of providing information only. Visit the official website of NTA for all official announcements related to the exam.
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