Definition : In certain materials, each atom or molecule possesses a net permanent magnetic moment (due to the orbital and spin magnetic moments) even in the absence of an external magnetic field. or The substances which when...
Category - Physics
Definition: “Materials which does not have permanent magnetic dipoles” are termed as Diamagnetic materials. or The substances which when placed in a magnetic field become weakly magnetised in a direction opposite to...
Now, we are going to study the various types of magnetic materials in terms of the magnetic properties of the atomic dipoles and the interactions between them. Very first distinctions is based on whether the atoms carry permanent...
The macroscopic magnetic properties of a substance are a consequence of magnetic moments associated with individual electrons. The electrons in an atom revolved around the nucleus in different orbits. Each electron in an atom has...
Definition : When conductor (metal or semiconductor) carrying a current is placed in a transverse magnetic field, an electric field is produced inside the conductor in a direction normal to both the current and the magnetic...
S.NO Intrinsic semiconductors Extrinsic semiconductors 1. Semiconductor in a pure form is called intrinsic semiconductor. Semiconductor which are doped with impurity is called extrinsic semiconductor. 2. Here the charge...
The variation of carrier concentration with temperature for a n-type semi conductor is shown in Fig. At 0K both the conduction band and valence band are free from any charge carriers and hence conductivity is zero. Now, when...
S.No. n-type semiconductor p-type semiconductor 1. N-type semiconductor is obtained by doping an intrinsic semiconductor with pentavalent impurity. P-type semiconductor is obtained by doing an intrinsic semiconductor with a...
A semiconductor to which a suitable impurity in a controlled rate is added to increase its conductivity is called an extrinsic semiconductor. Based on the type of impurity added they are classified into two types. They...
Based on the composition of elements they are classified into two types. They are S.No. Elemental semiconductors Compound semiconductors 1. These are made from single element These are made from compound (mixed...