S.NO | Intrinsic semiconductors | Extrinsic semiconductors |
1. | Semiconductor in a pure form is called intrinsic semiconductor. | Semiconductor which are doped with impurity is called extrinsic semiconductor. |
2. | Here the charge carriers are produced only due to thermal agitation | Here the charge carriers are produced due to impurities and may also be produced due to thermal agitation. |
3. | They have low electrical conductivity. | They have high electrical conductivity. |
4. | They have high operating temperature. | They have low operating temperature. |
5. | At 0K, the Fermi level exactly lies between conduction band and valence band.
Examples : Si, Ge, etc. |
At 0K, Fermi level lies closer to conduction band in ‘n’ type semiconductor and lies near valence band in ‘p’ type semiconductor.
Examples : Si and Ge doped with Al, In, P, As etc. |
[sc_fs_faq html=”true” headline=”h3″ img=”” question=”Which is intrinsic semiconductor?” img_alt=”” css_class=””] Silicon and germanium are examples of intrinsic semiconductors. [/sc_fs_faq]
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