Frame Works Organizational Behaviour

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“Behaviour of people is not only the outcome of stimulus alone, but it is an outcome determined by the stimulus as well as the contingent environmental consequences of a behavior. This means there are alternative behaviors for the same stimulus and which behavior is exhibited by a person depends on extended environmental consequences”.

B.F. Skinner : The behaviour’s frame work is a set of core behaviour which defines how they are expected to approach as work and it’s alongside what we do, as outlined in each of their job description.

The framework, details the behaviour’s and attitudes required by all employees and support the delivery of our business plan, value and culture. Framework is our corporate vision and values. For instance our vision is to create stranger and more resilient communities. Our values make us unique. We embrace change, treat everyone, as family, value diversity, adopt a can- do approach in everything we do and value our colleagues. The behaviors framework will help us to celebrate achievements, talk about our aspirations and express how we would like to develop.

Behaviors have demonstrated the attitudes and approach we take to work, they are…
  • How we do things…?
  • How we treat others…?
  • What we say and how we say it…?
  • How we expect to be treated…?

a. Recruitment

Applicants can be interviewed and selected following behavioral based interviewing for cultural- fit as well as job fit.

b. Corporate Awards

Staffs demonstrating outstanding behavior and being an advocate for the values and culture of the council are recognized and awarded through ours monthly and annual corporate awards scheme.

c. Performance Management

Staffs are managed, supervised and appraised for their work performance (in terms of task delivery) and behaviors (for reviewing the approach taken to work).

d. Learning and developments

Personal development planning takes place as part of the performance management process and corporate learning materials and training is available to support staffs to deliver the required behavior.

e. Partnership working and transformation

The way in which we work with our partners is key to delivering the business plan and our transformation programme, the behaviors framework is control to the success of this and to development of relationships and information sharing without partners.

f. Policy Control

The Behaviors are fully supporte by the policies, process and guidance designed to support the work force and our managers.

g. Well- being initiatives control

We recognize that an individual’s well being can be affected by negative behavior and we will ensure support is available and easy to access. Though the organizational behavior is extremely complex and includes many inputs and dimensions.

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