List out Barriers to TQM Implementation

The various roadblocks in implementing TQM are:

  1. Lack of management commitment.
  2. Lack of faith in and support to TQM activities among management personnel.
  3. Failure to appreciate TQM as a cultural revolution. In other words, inability to change organisational culture.
  4. Misunderstanding about the concept of TQM.
  5. Improper planning.
  6. Lack of employees commitment.
  7. Lack of effective communication.
  8. Lack of continuous training and education.
  9. Lack of interest or incompetence of leaders.
  10. Ineffective measurement techniques and lack of access to data and results.
  11. Non-application of proper tools and techniques.
  12. Inadequate use of empowerment and team work.
  13. Inadequate attention to internal and external customers.
  14. Delay or non-implementation of quality improvement team’s recommendations.
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Nandhini Sathish

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