The Nd-YAG (Neodymium doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet) is a four level solid state laser (Y3Al5O12). Neodymium (Nd3+) is one of the rare earth element. The Nd-YAG laser can be send through flexible quartz fibre and they are easy to integrate into the production system.
Type | Solid state laser |
Active | Yttrium Aluminium Garnet ( Y3 Al5 O12 ) |
Active centre | Neodymium ( Nd3+ ions) |
Pumping method | Optical pumping |
Pumping source | Xenon flash lamp |
Optical resonator | Ends of the rods polished with silver and two mirrors, one of them is totally reflecting and other is partially reflecting. |
Power output | 70 W |
Power output | Pulsed (or) continuous wave. |
Frequency and wavelength of the output | 2.82 x 104 Hz and 1.064 μm |
The active medium is Yttrium Aluminium Garnet doped with Neodymium (Nd3+). It is optically pumped by xenon flash lamps and Neodymium ions are raised to excited levels. During the transition from metastable state to ground state, laser beam of wavelength 1.064μm is emitted.
It consists of a laser rod and Xenon (or) Krypton flash lamps. Both are placed inside a highly elliptical reflector cavity. The crystal which acts as the active element, Yttrium ions (Y3+ ) is replaced by Neodymium ions (Nd3+).
The optical resonator is formed by grinding the ends of the rods and coated with silver accompanied by two mirrors, one is 100% reflecting and other is partially reflecting. The flash tube may be switched on and controlled with the help of a capacitor.

- The xenon flash lamp is switched on and the light is allowed to fall on the laser rod.
- Then the Nd3+ ions excites from ground level E0 to higher levels E4 and E3 by the absorption of radiation of wavelength 0.73μm and 0.80μm respectively.
- From these energy levels the ions make non-radiative decay and reach the metastable state (E2 )
- The neodymium ions are collected in the level E2. Population inversion is achieved between E2 and E1.
- Once the population inversion is achieved the stimulated emission builds up rapidly.
- This results in a laser beam of wavelength 1.06μm(10600Å) is emitted. Then non-radiative transition takes place from the E1 to E0.
- A large amount of heat is produced by the flash tube during the working. Hence, cooling arrangement is made either by blowing air (or) circulating water over the elliptical cavity.

Fig. 1.2 Energy level diagram of Nd-YAG laser
It has high output energy.
It has very high repetition rate operation.
It is much easier to achieve population inversion.
The electron energy level structure of Nd3+ in YAG is complicated.
- It is used in remote sensing applications.
- It is used in long haul communication system.
- It is used in precision welding, drilling and continuous cutting in industry.
- It is used in medical fields like endoscopy, ENT, neurology and general surgery.
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