Rheological Properties of Emulsions


Emulsions are estimated for their flow behaviour. The flow related attributes desirable for the performance of an emulsion are:

  • Removal of an emulsion from a bottle or tube.
  • Flow of an emulsion through a hypodermic needle.
  • Spreadability of an emulsion on the skin.
  • Stress induced flow changes during manufacture (milling).

Dilute emulsions possess Newtonian flow, thus the comparison of flow curves among various batches can be easily done. However, concentrated emulsions possess non-Newtonian flow, thus their analysis becomes difficult. Multipoint viscometers (like cone and plate or cup and bob type) are used for their evaluation.

A rough guide related to the type of flow obtained based on phase volume ratio is given below:

Phase Volume Ratio Types of Flow
5% Newtonian
50% Pseudo plastic
74% Plastic flow or phase inversion (abrupt changes in the behaviour)

Viscosity of an optimum level is recognised for maximum physical stability. The aforementioned factors related to dispersed phase, continuous phase, and the emulsifying agent should be measured.

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Santhakumar Raja

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