SQL Server Cheat Sheet – Pedagogy Zone

An SQL Server Cheat Sheet is a quick reference guide or document that provides concise and handy information about SQL Server commands, syntax, and commonly used queries. It’s a helpful resource for database administrators, developers, or anyone working with SQL Server databases who wants to quickly look up commands or refresh their memory on how to perform specific tasks. The cheat sheet typically includes essential SQL Server commands for tasks like querying data, updating records, creating tables, and managing database permissions. It’s a great tool for efficiency and accuracy when working with SQL Server databases.


SELECT col1, col2
FROM table
JOIN table2 ON table1.col = table2.col
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING condition

SELECT Keywords

duplicate results
SELECT DISTINCT product_name
FROM product;
BETWEEN: Matches a
value between two
other values (inclusive)
SELECT product_name
FROM product
WHERE price BETWEEN 50 AND 100;
IN: Matches to any of
the values in a list
SELECT product_name
FROM product
WHERE category IN
('Electronics', 'Furniture');
LIKE: Performs
wildcard matches using
_ or %
SELECT product_name
FROM product
WHERE product_name
LIKE '%Desk%";


SELECT t1.*, t2.*
join_type t2 ON t1.col = t2.col;

INNER JOIN: show all matching
records in both tables.
LEFT JOIN: show all records from left table, and any matching records from right table.
RIGHT JOIN: show all records from
right table, and any matching records from left table.
FULL JOIN: show all records from
both tables, whether there is a match or not.

CASE Statement

Simple Case

CASE name
WHEN 'John' THEN 'Name John'
WHEN 'Steve' THEN 'Name Steve'
ELSE 'Unknown'

Searched Case

WHEN name='John' THEN 'Name John'
WHEN name='Steve' THEN 'Name Steve'
ELSE 'Unknown'

Common Table Expression

WITH queryname (col1, col2...) AS (
SELECT col1, col2
FROM firsttable)
SELECT col1, col2..
FROM queryname...;

Modifying Data

Insert INSERT INTO tablename
(col1, col2...)
VALUES (val1, val2);
Insert from a
INSERT INTO tablename
(col1, col2...)
SELECT col1, col2...
Insert Multiple
INSERT INTO tablename
(col1, col2...) VALUES
(valA1, valB1),
(valA2, valB2),
(valA3, valB3);
Update UPDATE tablename
SET col1 = val1
WHERE condition;
Update with
a Join
SET col1 = val1
FROM tablename t
INNER JOIN table x
ON t.id = x.tid
WHERE condition;
Delete DELETE FROM tablename
WHERE condition;


Create Index CREATE INDEX indexname
ON tablename (cols);
Drop Index DROP INDEX indexname;

Set Operators

UNION: Shows unique
rows from two result sets.
UNION ALL: Shows all
rows from two result sets.
INTERSECT: Shows rows that
exist in both result sets.
MINUS: Shows rows that exist
in the first result set but not
the second.

Aggregate Functions

SUM: Finds a total of the numbers provided
COUNT: Finds the number of records
AVG: Finds the average of the numbers provided
MIN: Finds the lowest of the numbers provided
MAX: Finds the highest of the numbers provided

Common Functions

  • LEN(string): Returns the length of the provided string
  • CHARINDEX(string, substring, [start_position], [occurrence]):
    Returns the position of the substring within the specified string.
  • CAST(expression AS type [(length)]): Converts an expression to
    another data type.
  • GETDATE: Returns the current date, including time.
  • CEILING(input_val): Returns the smallest integer greater than the
    provided number.
  • FLOOR(input_val): Returns the largest integer less than the
    provided number.
  • ROUND(input_val, round_to, operation): Rounds a number to a
    specified number of decimal places.
  • REPLACE(whole_string, string_to_replace, replacement_string):
    Replaces one string inside the whole string with another string.
  • SUBSTRING(string, start_position, [length]): Returns part of a
    value, based on a position and length.

Create Table

Create Table CREATE TABLE tablename (
column_name data_type

Create Table with Constraints

CREATE TABLE tablename (
column_name data_type NOT NULL,
REFERENCES other_table(col_in_other_table),
CONSTRAINT ckname CHECK (conditions)

Create Temporary
INTO #tablename
FROM table;
Drop Table DROP TABLE tablename;

Alter Table

Add Column ALTER TABLE tablename
ADD columnname datatype;
Drop Column ALTER TABLE tablename
DROP COLUMN columnname;
Modify Column ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN columnname newdatatype;
Rename Column sp_rename
'new_column_name', 'COLUMN';
Add Constraint ALTER TABLE tablename ADD
CONSTRAINT constraintname
constrainttype (columns);
Drop Constraint ALTER TABLE tablename
DROP CONSTRAINT constraintname;
Rename Table ALTER TABLE tablename
RENAME TO newtablename;

Window/Analytic Functions

function_name ( arguments ) OVER (
[query_partition_clause] [ORDER BY order_by_clause
[windowing_clause] ] )

Example using RANK, showing the student details and their rank according to the fees_paid, grouped by gender:

student_id, first_name, last_name, gender, fees_paid,
PARTITION BY gender ORDER BY fees_paid
) AS rank_val
FROM student;


Single Row SELECT id, last_name, salary
FROM employee WHERE salary = ( SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employee );
Multi Row SELECT id, last_name, salary
FROM employee WHERE salary IN ( SELECT salary FROM employee WHERE last_name LIKE 'C%'
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About the author

Santhakumar Raja

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