What are the factors influencing Personality? Explain the theory’s of Personality?

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1. Type ‘A’ and Type ‘B’

The theory which describes two common, contrasting personality types- The high strong type ‘A ’ and the easy going type ‘B ’ has patterns of behavior that could either raise or lower, respectively ones chance of medical disorders.

The theory describes type ‘A’ individual as ambitious, aggressive, business- like controlling, highly competitive, impatient, pre occupied with his or her status, time conscious, and tightly wound. People with type ‘A’ personalities are often highachieving “Work aholics”, who multi task, push themselves with deadlines, and rate both delays and ambivalence.

The type ‘B’ individual has a perfect contrast to those with type ‘A’ personalities. People with type ‘B’ personalities are generally patient, relaxed, easy going and at times lacking an overriding sense of urgency. Because of these characteristics, type ‘B’ individuals are often described as a pathetic and disengaged by individuals with type ‘A’ or other personality types.

2. Trait theory

The traits approach to personality is focused on differences between individuals. Traits theory is focused on identifying and measuring the individual personality characteristics. It is an approach to studying human personality that identifies and measures the degree to which certain personality traitsrecurring patterns of thought and behaviors, such as anxiousness, shyness, openness to new things-exists from individual to individual.

3. Psycho-Analytic Theory by Sigmund Freud

Freud’s psycho analytic theory of personality implicated the structure of the mind, namely the id, ego and super ego and how conflicts among these constituent parts are resolved in shaping human personality. The id operates on the pleasure principle. The id is an unconscious part. Ego is a conscious part of human personality. Ego is associated with reality. The ego can best be described as controlling id through realities.

A starving man cannot control or satisfy his hunger by simply eating images, but by really having food. Thus here, lies the role of ego i.e., reality in satisfying hunger or reducing tension created by hunger. Whereas super ego represents the system of values, norms and ethics that guide and govern a person to behave properly in the society. It provides norms and values to ego to determine what is wrong or right at a given time in given situation or society. The super ego include whether an action or behavior is right or wrong as per the set norms and standards of the society. Super ego strives for perfection.

4. Social Learning Theory

Human behavior is generally either learnt a modified by way of learning. People learn through observing others ‘behavior’ attitudes, and outcomes of those behavior. Most of human behavior is learned observationally through modeling, from observing others. Social learning theories complain human behavior in terms of continuous reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral and environmental influences. Social learning theory is also called a bridge between behavior and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory and motivation.

5. Humanistic or Self Theory by Carl Roger

Self- image- Is ones image of oneself. This is how one sees oneself. It implies the reality of the person.

Ideal-self- Refers to what one would like to look like. It implies the ideality of the person.

Looking glass-self- This refers to how others perceive the individual. Others perception about the person.

Real-self- The real self is what one actually is.

The Big 5 Personality Trait Model of Professor John

1. Extraversion- Who is sociable, talkative, and assertive?

2. Agreeableness- One who is good natured, co-operative and trusting.

3. Conscientiousness- A person who is responsible, dependable, and persistent and achievement oriented.

4. Emotion stability – Someone characterized by calm, nervous, enthusiastic, depressed and insecre.

5. Openness to experience – A person who is imaginative, artistically sensitive and intellectual.

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