Optical Receiver Operation Having discussed the characteristics and operation of photodetectors in the previous chapter, we now turn our attention to the optical receiver operation. An optical receiver consists of a...
Author - Santhakumar Raja
INTROCDUCTION to THERMAL ENERGY BASED PROCESSES In these methods, Thermal energy based process heat energy is concentrated on a small area of the workpiece to melt and vaporize the tiny bits of work material. The...
HYDRAULICS SYATEM The Hydraulics system of interest to control engineers may be classified into, Liquid Level system and Hydraulics devices The liquid level system consists of storage tanks and connecting pipes. The variables...
Introduction Chemical Machining Process (CHM) In chemical energy methods, Chemical Machining Process the metal is removed from the workpiece through controlled etching of the workpiece material in contact with a chemical...
Solid state welding is a group of welding processes which produces coalescence at temperature below the melting point of base materials being welded without the addition of brazing filler metal. Metallurgical bond is created...
Introduction Avalanche Photodiode At the output end of an optical transmission line, avalanche photodiode there must be a receiving device which interprets the information contained in the optical signal. The first element of...
Introduction to User Defined Functions We have mentioned earlier that one of the strengths of C language is C User Defined Functions. They are easy to and use. We have used functions in every program that we have discussed so...
What is Resistance Welding In ancient times, metal welding was done in the form of forge resistance welding (metals heated up to melting point are pressed together) and brazing (weld using alloy of low melting...
Types of Welding Fundamental principles, types of welding, Air Acetylene welding, Oxyacetylene welding, carbon arc welding, shielded metal arc welding, submerged arc welding, TIG & MIG welding. 1.Gas welding: (a)...
Single-Mode Fiber Connectors Because of the wide use of single mode fiber connectors optic links and because of the greater alignment precision required for these systems, this section addresses single-mode connector coupling...