Generally microprocessor alone is not a self-sufficient system. Instruction Set Architecture of 8051 It requires other components like memory and input/output devices to form a minimum workable system. Intel corporation decided...
Category - Electrical
Optical Fiber Communications Ever since ancient times, people had a principal need to communicate with one another. This need created interests in devising communication systems for sending messages from one distant place to...
Multiprocessor Configurations A multiprocessor system will have two or more processors that can execute instructions or perform operations simultaneously. Need for Multiprocessor System Due to limited data width and lack of...
A 40 pin DIP Intel 8086 microprocessor is shown in image. 8086 microprocessor can operate in two modes. Minimum mode and maximum mode. The pins 24 to 31 have alternate functions for every mode. The 8086 is a 16 bit...
Evolution Of Microprocessor 8085 : A evolution of microprocessor 8085 is known as a central processing unit (CUP). It is a complete computation engine that is fabricated on a single chip. The first microprocessor was the Intel...