Comparison of Digital Pulse Modulation Systems

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S. No Parameter PCM DM ADM DPCM
1 Number of bits per sample. N can be 4,8,16,32, 64 etc. N = 1 N = 1 N is more than 1 but less than PCM.
2 Step size. Depends on the number of Q levels. Step size is fixed. Step size is variable. Step size is fixed.
3 Distortions/errors. Quantization error. Slope overload distortion and granular noise. Granular noise. Slope overload distortion and granular noise.
4 Signaling rate and bandwidth. High Low, if the input is slow varying. Low Lower than PCM.
5 System complexity Complex Simple Simple Simple
6 Feedback from output. No feedback Feedback is present. Feedback is present. Feedback is present.
7 Noise Immunity Very good Very good Very good Very good
8 Use of repeater Possible Possible Possible Possible
9 Area of applications Audio and video Telephony Speech and images Speech and images Speech and videos.
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