How to Get a Teaching Degree from Home to Become a Teacher?


Do you love teaching and looking to pursue your career in this honorable field? However, it’s only possible with excellent academic degrees or teaching experience.

But what’s impossible in this digital era? Yes! You can start your teaching journey without going anywhere. Nowadays, multiple universities award you teaching degree from home. This is not just flexible but also an affordable option for inflation time. Besides, studying during your hours and continuing working will be easy.

From the multiple options to offer high-standard programs, we have enlisted the top 3 best online teaching program providers in 2025.

Top 3 Options to Get a Teaching Degree from Home

1. Buena Vista University

Buena Vista University, or BVU, is a private school situated in a rural area of Iowa. The school offers more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including multiple virtual courses, to its worldwide students. BVU is one of the top seven largest private institutions, educating over 2000 students. 

You can also access BVU virtually for a licensed elementary, secondary, or special education teacher course. The school will help you to get endorsements in different fields. 

Students in grades 5-12 can enter BVU to get a teaching certification in a social science degree. The practicals, including student teaching and hands-on experience, will prepare candidates to become professional teachers in their fields. 

The average course price at Buena Vista University starts from $18,156. However, the National Center for Education Statistics declared it the lowest price compared to the average price of private schools, which is $29,700 per year. At Buena Vista University, 71% of students get loans from the federal government, and every student receives some federal financial support.

Qualified BVU students will receive over $4,000 annually to cover their teaching education expenses. However, the students must fulfill specific criteria of the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education program.

Besides other courses, BVU accepts applications for master’s degrees in teaching English as a secondary language. The bachelor’s degree holders will complete their master’s in one year. 

2. Kansas State University

K-State is the largest public university located in Manhattan, Kansas. It educates more than 19,000 students, including over 15,000 undergraduates. The university offers more than 150 virtual courses, including multiple for teacher education. 

K-State offers teaching certification online programs in early childhood and elementary education. Surprisingly, the student ratio accessing K-State from Kansas and other states is increasing, making it the top choice for virtual courses. To ensure high education standards, CAEP accredits all of K-State’s teacher education courses. The university provides flexibility for online teaching students, allowing them to set their own learning pace while continuing to work.

According to Rafael Garcia, writer, and editor of K-State communications and marketing, their programs are designed to help those who cannot relocate achieve licensure through an adaptable, 12-month student teaching practice. 

According to NCES, K-State undergraduate courses cost $18,745, which is higher than the average of other public schools and universities, which is $15,200.

On the other hand, a small percentage depends on federal loans. Moreover, it offers scholarship programs for additional benefits. Over the past five years, K-State’s College of Education has distributed an impressive $2.76 million in scholarships.

K-State also ranks among the top in student success. It has the highest six-year graduation rate for bachelor’s degrees, 70%, and the highest retention rate for first-year undergraduate students, 86%. According to university data, K-State’s students’ success ratio in securing jobs and continuing education stands at 99%.

According to a 2024 graduate – Kara Swearingen, K-State has an incredible education program. The professors focus on your career success rather than covering the course syllabus. He further said that I’ve built strong relationships with colleagues and professors, which inspires me the most in the university community. There are all supporting members to help you in your practical life.

3. Minot State University

This small university in Minot, North Dakota, educates 2,700 undergraduate students. MSU offers more than 80 programs, including 68 physical courses and 12 virtual bachelor programs. 

MSU’s online special education program, accredited by CAEP, empowers students for their initial teaching license. In this study, experts work with children and young students with disabilities from pre-K to 12th grade. The program focuses on teamwork, adaptable techniques, and supportive methodologies to prepare teachers for the students’ different learning requirements. 

MSU education courses cost $12,349, which is the most affordable price compared to other institutes. Only 43% of students borrowed federal loans. BVU also invests up to $4,000 in financial support through the TEACH program. 

Minot State’s Paraprofessional to Teacher Pathway (PTP) lets you keep working during your education. As there is now a critical teacher shortage in North Dakota, this pathway helps to address it.

Read also: Benefits of honours degree in education

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