Hello friends! If you are a student of class 10th or 12th and are preparing for the board exam, then this news is very important for you. Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has postponed the examinations to be held on March 1 and March 3. Now the new dates of these examinations have been announced, which will give students more time to study.
Why were the exam dates changed?
The weather is very bad in Jammu and Kashmir these days. Due to heavy rain and snowfall, students could have faced difficulties in reaching the examination centre. For this reason, the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education took this important decision and postponed the examinations.
What are the new dates?
According to the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education, the examination of classes 10th and 11th to be held on March 1 will now be held on March 25. At the same time, the examination to be held on March 1 for class 12 will now be held on March 24. However, the time and place of the examination will remain the same as decided earlier.
Relief news for students
This change can prove to be a relief for those students who need a little more time to prepare for the exam. Now they can plan their studies better according to the new dates.
What to do now?
Now that the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education exam has been postponed for a few days, you should use this time properly. Pay more attention to difficult subjects, revise and solve old question papers. This will make your preparation even stronger. Whatever the weather, pay full attention to your studies and do not take stress. This is an opportunity to improve yourself. Take advantage of the new dates and perform brilliantly!
Disclaimer: This information has been given based on various sources. For any new updates related to the examinations, contact the official website or your school. We wish you success.
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