Organizational Behavior Modifications

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Definition Of Behavior Modification

According to Stephen P. Robbins, “Organization Behavior modification is a program where managers identify performance related employee behaviors and then implement on intervention strategy to strengthen desirable behaviors and weaken undesirable behaviors”.

In general, organizational behaviour modification is a manner or method of changing the behaviour pattern of employees by using various tools and techniques in order to get desired level of behavioral results.

The behavioral modifications was first started to treat mental patients, but later it was practiced in many areas.

According To Luthans And Kreither (1985)

Organization Behaviour modification is leveled in to five steps.
Steps in organization behavior modifications

Step 1: Identification of critical behavior- Under this level, the organization need to identify the critical, observable and measurable work performance related behaviour to be encouraged.

Step 2: Measurement of behavior- Under this level, the current frequency of those measurable behaviors be measured and keep as baseline to measure them after modification process happens. This will help to understand what level of behavioral changes occurred during the course of modification.

Step 3: Development of intervention strategy- Under this level, the organization must develop the intervention strategy to strengthen desired behaviors and weaken dysfunction behaviors through the application of positive reinforcements and corrective feedback, with prompt indications that punishment may be necessary in some instances in order to make them discontinue the undesired behaviors.

Step 4: Evaluation- Under this level, systematically evaluation is required to check the effectiveness of the approach in changing behaviour and improving performance in comparison to the standards of behaviors measurements scale maintained.

Organization Behavior Modification Strategies

Behaviour modification strategies are systematically, efforts taken by the organization to decrease undesired behaviour of their employees.

There are various methods and techniques can be applied suitable to the situations and to the level of employees they hold. Some of the techniques are, positive re-enforcements, shaping, discussion, communication, participation, punishments, warnings etc…

Among various techniques, positive re-enforcement is the best in overcoming the problem of behaviour of employees. Positive re-enforcement includes rewards, incentives, feedback, motivation and appreciation etc…

When positive re-enforcement techniques are much use to some employees then negative re-enforcement measures like punishments, warnings etc… Can be enforced to bring down the unwanted behaviors.

Most behaviour modification program currently used is those based on applied behaviour analysis, formerly known as the experimental analysis of behaviour which was pioneered by B.F.Skinner, the “father of behaviorism”.

Importance / Significance of Behavior Modification

Behavior modification is an effective technique used to treat many disorders such as attention, deficit, disorder, required level of behavioral deficit disorder etc. The techniques can be applied not only on employees side in organization but also can be used on various side of human beings like on individuals who gets addicted to drugs, addicted to some phobia, some objects undesirable in the society can be treated and be helped to achieve the desired goals.

It can also be implemented on a systematic scale to increase productivity within organization and business.

It provides an effective tool to the manager and change agents to systematically control and influence in getting the desired results.

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