OB is a science, art and philosophy by nature. It is a science because, it follows the scientific methods in the process of studies, like data collection, hypothesis, scientific scrutiny of the relationship of people issues etc.
OB is an art because interpretation of the results by human beings who generally are more subjective than objective in their approach.
OB is a philosophy because it tries to postulate as to what, why, how and where a particular kind of human behavior taken place in an organisation in a particular corner of the globe along with the other relevant aspects like its impact or effects.
a) A separate field of study and not a disciplined one, it is an interdisciplinary approach
Discipline is an accepted science that is based on a theoretical foundation. But, organizational behavior has a multi- disciplinary orientation and is, thus not based on a specific theoretical background. The study of behavior can be viewed in terms of three main disciplines, such as psychology, sociology and anthropology. All these three disciplines have made an important contribution to the field of organizational behavior.
Psychologists are concerned with this main focus of attention on the individual as a whole person or what can be termed as the personality system for instance like perception, attitudes and motives.
Sociologists are concerned with this main focus of attention on the analysis of social structures and positions in those structures for instance the relationship between the behavior of leader and followers.
Anthropologists are concerned this main focus of attention on the cultural system, the beliefs, customs, ideas and values within a group or society and the comparison of behavior among different cultures, for instance the importance to Muslim women of wearing half pants to work. People learn to depend on their culture to give them security and stability and they can suffer adverse reaction to unfamiliar environment.
b) It is an applied science and normative science
Business today is in an almost constant state of change, as leaders are faced with global competition, new markets and evolving technologies along with a diverse and ever changing work force.
The success of a leader is measured by his or her ability to get things done through others. What most leaders don’t understand, though is that there is a science to why people do what they do- a science they can learn and use to guide their own actions and those of others without fail, is called applied behavioral science, a practical method that teaches why behavior is a critical factor in implementing change, improving performance and creativity an engaged workforce. It is the fact that nothing changes until behaviors change. Applied behavioral science can help to understand why people say and do certain things.
It is a teaching and coaching approach in which leaders goal becomes the success of every employee.
Utilizing applied behavioral science, leader may discern the correct behaviors to measure, and make early predictions as to whether the desired results will be achieved. It also helps leaders to understand the impact of antecedents and consequences of behavior.
A normative science helps leaders to apply the findings of applied researches to socially accepted organizational goals. The proper studies in their field help leaders to take necessary actions and prepare a right strategy to deal in the organization.
c) A humanistic and optimistic approach
Motivating people are of high concern, in organizational behavior context.
The focus towards people is the core area of discussion here. Also people must be handled with utmost care and should be treated with humanistic approach. Further, there must be an optimistic approach towards people while handling them in various situations, because people become creative and changeable in nature and are capable of contributing positively to the objectives of the organization if well treated, but they are also capable of bringing in negative results if the management’s approach is not harmonistic and optimistic.
d) A total system approach and oriented towards organizational objectives
Every individual behavior in an organization is vital. Individual’s nature is quite complex. The behavior of people varies from situation to situation and from individual to a group. These behaviors can be analyzed based on the factors like social, cultural, group influence etc… then by applying system approach; the managers can find solution to this complexity.
Their behaviors can be re-directed towards organizational objectives through proper planning on their job and their performance by proper understanding mechanism. By understanding employees’ needs and solving their problem timely, a level of employee satisfaction can be brought in by and large. The degree of higher level of employees’ satisfaction will always meet higher level of objectives and goals of the organization.
The scope of organizational behavior is growing rapidly because of fast changing culture, ethical and business environment of organization. The manager must concentrate and pay serious attention towards employees’ nature, reaction and should response to different situations of organization. Thus organizational behavior helps to understand the different activities and results of people contribution in an organization.
e) A separate field of study and not a disciplined one- Discipline is an accepted science that is based on a theoretical foundation. But ob has a multi-interdisciplinary orientation and is, thus, not based on a specific theoretical background.
f) An interdisciplinary approach- It tries to integrate the relevant knowledge drawn from related disciplines like psychology, sociology, and anthropology to make them applicable for studying and analyzing organizational behavior.
g) An applied science- Application of various researches to solve the organizational problems.
h) A normative science- How the findings of applied researches can be applied to socially accepted organizational goals.
i) A humanistic and optimistic approach- It treats people as thinking, feeling, creative and more productive human beings.
j) A total system approach- Is one that integrates all the variables affecting organizational functioning.
k) Oriented towards organizational objectives- Example: Growth and Profit.
l) Satisfaction of employees needs – Example: All necessary benefits.
m) Science and arts- The systematic knowledge about human behavior is a science, application of behavioral knowledge and skills clearly learns towards being an art.
Major Disciplines And Their Contributions To OB
a. Individuals
b. Groups

c. Organization
Psychology-Which means ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ it is the science of studying individual behavior and intra-personal dynamics of human behavior.
Sociology- As an academic discipline utilizes scientific method in accumulating knowledge about the social behavior of groups.
Anthropology- It is the study of origin and development of human cultures, how those cultures have functioned in the past, and how they continue to function in the present.
Economics- Allocation of scarce resources to different competing alternatives.
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