Hello friends, If you have taken the UGC NET December 2024 exam, then obviously you will be eagerly waiting for its result. This exam conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) was conducted between 3 January to 27 January 2025. Now all the candidates are looking forward to when the result will come and how it can be checked. Let me know the complete details.
When will the UGC NET December 2024 result come?
NTA has not yet announced the official date of the UGC NET December 2024 result. However, after the exam, the provisional answer key was released on January 31 and the process of filing objections was completed by February 3. Now soon the final answer key and result will be released on the website.
How to check UGC NET results?
When the result is released, candidates can easily check it by visiting ugcnet.nta.ac.in. For this, they have to enter their application number and password.
Cut off and final answer key will also be released
Along with the result, cut-off marks will also be declared by NTA according to the subject and category. The correct answers to the questions asked in the exam will be released in the form of the final answer key, which will prove to be important for the candidates.
How are the objections checked?
Candidates who had filed objections on the provisional answer key are reviewed by a team of experts. If any objection is found to be correct, the final answer key is amended. However, NTA will not inform any candidate individually whether their objection has been accepted or not. Candidates waiting for UGC NET December 2024 results are advised to keep an eye on the official website and avoid rumours. Soon NTA will release the result, and you will be able to check it through your login details.
Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes only. Candidates are advised to visit ugcnet.nta.ac.in for any official updates.
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